Wednesday, September 27, 2006

listening to : I still Believe

this week had been so hectic to me that whie my blogging getting lesser and lesser. so here im to update a bit about this week. i cant realli rmb what actualli happened so i brieftly talk abt it lah. see how much i can rmb.

finally i met cher after weeks. we made a deal that we wont be meeting so often so she can concentrated on her promos and upcoming A. we lunched at Grapevine. Baked Rice + Oreo Frappe = Heaven. hahahaha we crapped and i told her a joke that we both laughed till everyone staring at us. drake told me that her dad was shitting in this public toilet. when he flushed after he was done, THE POO FLOODED OUT LIKE SOME TSUNAMI. Hence, HE RAN OUT WITHOUT HIS PANTS ON. . . lazy to type everything out. but damn hilarious lah. den walked over to coffee bean to get some drinks and went up to her hse awhile before heading home.

- ramdom -
* had been meeting the old palz
* tahcy oreo and pi bi gu incident all thx to the so call DI DA DI. its spreading so fast that almost lots of ppls know abt it and some even had it on their msn nick. mygod-_-"
* sp and rp started sch and i still had 3weeks left. my new sem timetable sux like hell that ruined my mood
* dyed back my hair to black all thanx to perr as the first thing she told me when she saw me was "YOUR HAIR LOOKED LIKE AH BENG". mygod that moment i almost wanted to run home and shave into bald.
* jc ppls de promos started and some haven even. but pls date me out within this 3weeks before im back to my project's life.

last but not least.
haha this farker here smsed me telling me that he leaving to taipei next week and so on. i was like sleeping and my fcuking phone rang non-stop tat after reading it, shocked till i cant slp. asked around and no one received it beside tia. mygod-_- how nice to play this kind of joke on me when i almost have a heart failure. hahahahaha

stop my crap. i had to wake up tml at 7. should end here and good luck to those having promos. .