Friday, September 08, 2006

listening to : Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For uUu

it had been damn long since i last played this song. todae while walking with JO, she enlightened me alot. i realised that in the past, whatever i do, i do it for uUu. but what hurt most will be that uUu never seem to appreciate it. like what JO said, don make yourself pondered over someone who wont make you a priority. since i promise to take cher, i should stop thinking so much.

went for 6/6 gathering and was glad to see so mani of my old palz. talked about our pri6 lifee when we were the most bonded class among the 15classes. we won every competition like shimin de japanese dance, jo de catwalk, banner-making, inter-class competition, musician drama, teacher dae dance and our charity helping. everyone rmb all the minor detail of those memorable daes. and the daes when we actualli had our LAO DI FANG, our toopid catching, our maid game, our scolding by yeo and so much. mygod i seriously miss those innocent daes. den after that walked all the way to hougang mall there to acc JO to visit the doctor and we waited from queue 3 all the way to 17. i realli feel like crying but we crapped throughout the times. den later rushed off to meet cher and off home for my spore idol. so happy tat jasmine was in.

tonight seem to be a bad night to me. so suay lah. hai im so hungry with nothing to eat. sian dao siao. i think before i land myself at the bbq, im already half-dead. pls pray hard to the god tat tml rain and pls don have any toopid games tat nid any strength of mine.