Monday, August 07, 2006

listenin to : Ai Qing Shu by Zhang Zhi Cheng

i had quite a hectic lifee for this past few weeks tat i had been ps-ing ppls or postponing dates. pls pardon me for all this as i realli got tonnes of works to do-_-".

as usual, i ps mj and rp again! haha and im so glad that since last fri, jas and me had our self-proclaim holidae till thur. loll. went national library to mug and it seem so productive to me where i finished up with so mani lecture. den planning to meet gen for dinner but decided to ps again as i was realli damn tired so cabbed home.

i had quite alot of works and lecture to do and read. how depressing=(

back to an empty house. today is one of those daes. daes whereby time seems to come to a screeching halt while, i sit back and indulge in misery. it had been quite some time since i have last felt like that. could it be that, im back to my old ways? for no apparent reason, i felt tears welling up in my eyes when, a faint image of uUu crossed my mind and, those words uUu said started ringing in my ears. i felt stupid, pathetic even. the past seems to have got a good hold over me. i can't seem to shake it off. i hide, i run, i ignore but it's not working. i wake up to a brand new day every morning. i psycho myself up for the day but, when night comes, it seem to fall apart.