Wednesday, August 02, 2006

listening to : Tian Hui by S.H.E

*yawn* im so exhausted!!

went for FSP and actualli decided to pon CM but the lecturer come in before i can go. so we lied that we are going to the washroom but in fact, we went BA for lunch. den later when we were back, i started my psycho-ing and he let us off early. so went off with jas and den i saw mic and hy at clementi and they decided to bring me down to PJC-_-. mygod, wp made me waited for her like no one business but i must learn to be patient toward this kind of ppls. loll den headed down to town and pass the ipod to her. den later went down to amk to meet palz for movie-_-" but i overshot all the way to woodland and i was feeling so tired that i think i made the right choice of my lifee by heading home. napped for an hr. den watched spore idol. even though i noe jasmine is weak, but at least she tried her best and i noe she will be what she an to be so i wil be here supporting her all the way.

at the same time, got to noe a new from mic tat shock the hell out of me. she actualli didnt plan to tell me but in the end, for the sake of her best palz, she told me. but what can i do for her. beside saying SORRIE, i don think i can help her