Saturday, August 19, 2006

listening to : Waiting For uUu

celebrated fang's bdae at my hse. its great to see everyone around. fun gathering. mahjong-ing session for sure. we ate and crapped and we enjoyed the moment like no one business. and we started talking abt the past. like how we lied to neo abt an ant crawled into her ear and this caused her to cry non-stop den who like who den this and that. mygod. its never ending when we got so mani happening things happened during this 5yrs. den they leave around 11 plus and off im to msn to continue my chit chatting.

all thank to serene and i got a job but i decided to give it a miss due to some reason like the pay is pathetic. so anyone keen to have a job, call me and i intro it to you.

im waiting.