Sunday, August 13, 2006

  • listening to : Rang Wo Huan Xi, Rang Wo You

*yawn* lifee seem to be so great when you got 9weeks of holidae in hand =)
lifee still seem to be hectic but its no longer flooded with work but FUN instead=)

  • got back my lost phone-_-
  • had my last paper
  • cher come my sch to wait for me.
  • planning to watch firework but in the end, brought her over to hm's hse
  • bbq! (but i was the onli one cooking for the four lazy morons)
  • chatted and crapped!!
  • home sweet home


  • slept all the way to late afternoon.
  • changed and went down to ms to meet kelly
  • lunch and went to book place so as to get a good view of firework
  • cher, bel, hm and gen surprised me by coming all the way down to watch with us=)
  • her expression was damn hilarious when she saw her. cant stop laughing. loll
  • the best firework(designed by france)
  • saw cutie pie and mygod, she's still so damn bloody cute lah=) [good luck for ur sem test=)]
  • walked around and crapped and went to hk cafe to have supper
  • home sweet home


  • went over to bel's hse.
  • dey played mahjong again-_-[ mygod, they are addicted to it]
  • i watched my vcd as i was not allow to play-_-
  • ordered fastfood
  • and so on lah

lazy to elaborate!

taken by evon. ndp2006