Thursday, August 10, 2006

listening to : A Moment Like This by Kelly Clarkson

went NDP 2006 with wanpin=)
NDP 2006 was really nice since its the last time at Kallang Stadium.
the atmosphere was so high tat it seem like the first time singaporean being so patriotic. haha everyone was in red and white and trying to try out everything that was in the free goodie bag=)
With the fighterplanes, parachutes & fireworks that made it even more memorable.
Other than that, the crowdedness is really not worth the trouble.
HAHA it's so irritating when people block your view.
the performance was like -_- but what make it special will be someone fainting while waiting for nathan to settle down. LOLL

* Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this *
image the firework was jus behide you.
didnt brought along my camera as i realised that taking photos of fireworks is so useless.
so what's photos without emotion?t
hat's when all you have left are pictures.
and pictures COULD have been fake.
it seem to be so memorabl ewatching live firework. mygod-_- its so nice.
im willing to give up everything for that moment again!!

let don talk abt stuffs after the show ended as it going to spoilt my lub for this night.

haha. cher don be sad lah. let watch the firework this fri okie=)

haha and the most hilarious thing that happened when i reached home will be a sms from kelly. she actualli dating me out this sat for the firework. hahahahaha since i said that i will never reject anyone anymore, i agreed. so ppls out there, who keen to join in me for this sat firework. i don mind you guy bringing along your papa, mama, family, bf, gf or whatever shit. jus don let me be alone with her. she give me a feeling that she will eat me up anytime.
stop my crap and im off to mugging!2 more daes and my holidae will arrive=)