Thursday, August 17, 2006

listening to : Hei Se You Mo by Zhou Jie Lun

memories linger...

i playback . . . .

those late nights..
the silly games that we played..
those long talks about nothing in particular..
the playful insults thrown at one another..
the smiles uUu shot at Me..
whine about not getting enough sleep..
and so on..
those moments with uUu..

in my head.

i felt so right, somewhat perfect. i might be wrong, tell me i'm wrong pls. im trying to forget that uUu were once here. wait . . are uUu still here? imnot sure what is going on. being in the middle of nowhere is not where i wan to be. i cant help but question, "HAS THIS BRIEF PHYSICAL/ EMOTIONAL CONNECTION FALL THROUGH?"

i dont know what to do to stop this from going on. i realli dont know what i wan in my life. there isnt any goal nor dream for me to chase for. jus simply nth in my lifee. im not blessed with the gift of letting go. but thankfully, im bleseed with the gift to be able to pretend that everything is all right when in reality, everything is going downhill.

i felt so tired, so tired of everything that is happening. i jus want to retreat underneath my blanket and shut out the entire world.