Wednesday, September 20, 2006

listening to : Wo Hai Neng Ai Shui


like she said, i changed!!

more and more ppls noticed it. everydae i received tonnes of sms from different ppls and sometime i don even open it or even reply but whenever i received one from uUu, a smile will shown in my face. whenever uUu are not online or i don recieved any from uUu, i will be on depression mode! like whie? whie my life turned into this state?

i tried to walk out but i can never. its jus like a trap, trapping me forever. they used to tell me that time can cure anything but i used not onli mths but numeral years yet the image of uUu still stay in my mind. i don understand whie we are from different sch from the start yet im unable to let go and move on. like whie.

and the most hilarious thing will be a email from K telling me that "TO THE EDGE OF THE HEAVEN, THE ENDS OF THE SEA, MY VOWS FOR YOU ARE UNCHANGEABLE".
whie all those ppls i don give a damn are trying to piss me off!!

im totally speechless lah!!