Tuesday, September 19, 2006

listening to : The Longest Story

the SIMs holding is declaring wars against the LEEs holding. the LEEs are trying so hard to go against the SIMs. IVAN LEE YI WANG, the SIMs holding will overthrown the LEEs once i marry my hanazawa rui!! wuahahaha!!

that so random!!

the clock read 3AM yet im nowhere near tired. my mind aches from this confusion. Do i take a leap forward or back away? why are we so good at pretending. you and i both know that it isnt as simple as , we make it out to be. you are hard to figure out. your eyes tell me sth more but i could be dreadfully wrong. this is getting a little old. im jus afraid of losing you for good.. hey cher, i may not be good at words but listen to Hou Hui De Jie Kou and i hope you will understand it. continue mugging=)

and i have come to a term that good things don last. so just enjoy the moment everyone. i enjoyed mine and i knew it was too good to be true.