Thursday, September 14, 2006

listening to : Zao Mi by Pan Wei Bo

had been out almost everydae but not todae!! the pain from my back is realli going to kill away all my strength. so sad that i missed yst singapore idol due to tat fcuking ivan's fault. kept on dragging time caused me to miss it. mygod-_- hope i don miss tonight de result show. even though i noe the percentage of jasmine getting out will be 99% but i still wishing for miracle to happen.

i dont think i ever make a wrong step by taking her. she was always there for me no matter what. even during her prelim period, she was there. so ppls out there, thx for the concern or even care for us. i don think it will be nice to judge her or even insult her from what you guys think. im enough of hearing bad comments about her. so for once, i not going to listen to anyone and believe in my choice and pls take all your hand off this matter. this will be the first and the last time im saying about this and it will be I WONT BE NICE TO PPLS WHO BE MEAN TO HER!!

off to voting=)