Monday, September 11, 2006

listening to : My Valentine

YAWN. msn was down, onli ppls with msn5 can sign in. so fcuking sian lah. so decided to start my blogging to kill times.

- went down to suntec but den decided to fire the boss as realli no mood to work lah. den went to meet the rest at ms. went shopping since the mall seem to be so empty. got quite a number of stuff. den later we were so bored that we decided to go bowling. seriously, my skill was like so noob lah. den later went habourfront den went back to sk to eat my chicken rice. den later planned to go home sleep since my eyes can hardly open but cher called so went down kovan to the hkc to eat with her. seriously i wont listening to her, i was jus lying there and sleep. pass her the nike bag and the choc tat i got for her and send her back before heading home to nap. and nap all the way to now and im so fcuking bored with no one around in msn. PPLS DL SKYPE LAH!!

- alan bdae!! went down to hm de cafe cartel to have dinner with them. den later we all went down to punggol end. planning to talk about ghost stories but ended up playing cross hand. image with ten pairs of hand. haha kana 3times one punishment. seriously speaking, i sux in game lah. im the first few who kana the punishment. tia had to sing and dance while alan had to go ask ppls wish him and also sexy dance. while ming had to cat walk, ivan had to sexy pose while lc had to shout WO SHI DA MEI NU(in hokkien). haha damn hilarious. luckilyi kana one was TRUE. its jus normal qsn like who i like before in my class. and i think everyone noe abt it before i nid to answer. haha den later all wl, lc and me kept on gang up and we didnt kana much after that. den went back at 11plus and den ....

will upload the bbq pic and the bdae pic when i got the mood..