Sunday, September 10, 2006

listening to : uUu Are Not Alone

todae went over to ivan's hse with ming, wee, tia, alan, kokhao, weilun, dickson and shawn. watched alot of dvd. and then not forgetting tat i screamed like hell and i think you guys can predicted what show we are watching. den later tat ivan pu the dog out, ming and me scared till we kept on screaming non-stop. and that di siao siao ivan went to take the dog and chased after me. haha and of course i scream at the top of my voice. haha den later continued with the dvd and some went online-ing. den alan and me started to di siao siao ming by saying loud her msn conversation. damn hilarious lah. while waiting for ivan to burn finish the disc, tat toopid weilun let the dog out and the guys are being so fcuking mean lah. haha dey threw the toy at me and the dog jus cant stop chasing and jumping at me. mygod-_- the worst part wll be tat they surrounded me and don let me run away. how mean can those guys be. hahahaha den later went to have lunch and the rest went off while alan, wee and me went back to ivan's hse and started our holidae plan. actualli planning to go BALI for holidae but lots of dems cannot go due to the bombing issue so we decided to make a trip down to hk. hopefully it will be a successful trip.

btw i will blog the photo and the happening of the bbq tml lah. lazy to type more. and not forgetting HAPPY BDAE ALAN!! better treat me eat kfc or else i don return all ur dvds. haha and the worst part of alan will be tat he will record down the name of the dvds you took and will chase after you to return. mygod-_- i think sooner or later, he going to nag me again!!