Wednesday, September 27, 2006

listening to : I still Believe

this week had been so hectic to me that whie my blogging getting lesser and lesser. so here im to update a bit about this week. i cant realli rmb what actualli happened so i brieftly talk abt it lah. see how much i can rmb.

finally i met cher after weeks. we made a deal that we wont be meeting so often so she can concentrated on her promos and upcoming A. we lunched at Grapevine. Baked Rice + Oreo Frappe = Heaven. hahahaha we crapped and i told her a joke that we both laughed till everyone staring at us. drake told me that her dad was shitting in this public toilet. when he flushed after he was done, THE POO FLOODED OUT LIKE SOME TSUNAMI. Hence, HE RAN OUT WITHOUT HIS PANTS ON. . . lazy to type everything out. but damn hilarious lah. den walked over to coffee bean to get some drinks and went up to her hse awhile before heading home.

- ramdom -
* had been meeting the old palz
* tahcy oreo and pi bi gu incident all thx to the so call DI DA DI. its spreading so fast that almost lots of ppls know abt it and some even had it on their msn nick. mygod-_-"
* sp and rp started sch and i still had 3weeks left. my new sem timetable sux like hell that ruined my mood
* dyed back my hair to black all thanx to perr as the first thing she told me when she saw me was "YOUR HAIR LOOKED LIKE AH BENG". mygod that moment i almost wanted to run home and shave into bald.
* jc ppls de promos started and some haven even. but pls date me out within this 3weeks before im back to my project's life.

last but not least.
haha this farker here smsed me telling me that he leaving to taipei next week and so on. i was like sleeping and my fcuking phone rang non-stop tat after reading it, shocked till i cant slp. asked around and no one received it beside tia. mygod-_- how nice to play this kind of joke on me when i almost have a heart failure. hahahahaha

stop my crap. i had to wake up tml at 7. should end here and good luck to those having promos. .

Friday, September 22, 2006

listening to : Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo By David Tao & Jolin

i hate sep`2006 as this is the first time i felt so broke in this holidae. can you believe that im onli left with 20cents yst-_- and we had to share a meal among the four of us. how pathetic can we be. that the prob when we go out everydae and the transport fare see to be so ex. i jus felt so unsecure when i don have 50bucks in my wallet. and the main reason of my broke is all because of the sep`babies. hahaha

went down to sp with tia,lun and kokhao to see ivan perform at sp. can you believe that i onli had 11.20 while tia had 7.60 while lun had 4.20. hahahaha this concert is all about tanglin sec. ivan peformed violin as a special guest for the choir. den we went in to see and tanglin`band played SOCK HOP which happened to be nc`band fav. honesty speaking, their percussionist seem to be weak as you can see that they played straight beat for the drumset part which followed the score-_- but i shouldnt be mean as they were onli sec1 or sec2. with this standard, already counted not bad le. at least better than me as i onli started playing drumset when im sec3. haha den all the dance seem to be so hilarious lah. laughing all the way throughout the show. den was interval time den we went down to the tea-break section as GUEST. haha we went to take the food and was so paiseh lah. haha damn hilarious abt the happening but later to elaborate. den later went back as its ivan perform time. he played YOU RAISE ME UP. and seriously he sounded like SHIT as the mic didnt have echo and it don seem to be nice. haha they like to say my ZI YE BIN is there again. cant blame me lah. as a band member, im already addicted to comment on music. den went off after ivan performed to cp for dinner den off im here.

had been quite long since i saw cher. hope she doin well for her promo.

last but not least. happy bdae to sharon(my cousin)!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

listening to : Wo Hai Neng Ai Shui


like she said, i changed!!

more and more ppls noticed it. everydae i received tonnes of sms from different ppls and sometime i don even open it or even reply but whenever i received one from uUu, a smile will shown in my face. whenever uUu are not online or i don recieved any from uUu, i will be on depression mode! like whie? whie my life turned into this state?

i tried to walk out but i can never. its jus like a trap, trapping me forever. they used to tell me that time can cure anything but i used not onli mths but numeral years yet the image of uUu still stay in my mind. i don understand whie we are from different sch from the start yet im unable to let go and move on. like whie.

and the most hilarious thing will be a email from K telling me that "TO THE EDGE OF THE HEAVEN, THE ENDS OF THE SEA, MY VOWS FOR YOU ARE UNCHANGEABLE".
whie all those ppls i don give a damn are trying to piss me off!!

im totally speechless lah!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

listening to : The Longest Story

the SIMs holding is declaring wars against the LEEs holding. the LEEs are trying so hard to go against the SIMs. IVAN LEE YI WANG, the SIMs holding will overthrown the LEEs once i marry my hanazawa rui!! wuahahaha!!

that so random!!

the clock read 3AM yet im nowhere near tired. my mind aches from this confusion. Do i take a leap forward or back away? why are we so good at pretending. you and i both know that it isnt as simple as , we make it out to be. you are hard to figure out. your eyes tell me sth more but i could be dreadfully wrong. this is getting a little old. im jus afraid of losing you for good.. hey cher, i may not be good at words but listen to Hou Hui De Jie Kou and i hope you will understand it. continue mugging=)

and i have come to a term that good things don last. so just enjoy the moment everyone. i enjoyed mine and i knew it was too good to be true.

Monday, September 18, 2006

listening to : Xiang Yu Tai Zao

tonight, im suffering from insomnia so decided to blog!!

so sad lah!! my IS and IAC class changed from 8-12 to 1-5 and that mean no more afternoon nap on tue. wtf. the worst will be im different class with jas and all my clique in morning class. im the onli one in afternoon class. mygod-_- jas and me cannot carry out our mission. i should start isolating myself every tue again!!

we were so bored that we came out with a solution!! haha its time to settle down!! whoever who sing me MY VALENTINE!! i going to settle down with you. no matter you are a guy or a gurl, a gay or a les, a bastard or a bitch. anyone who is a human is welcome for it.

went to meet cher at kovan for dinner at hkc. den later walked her back from kovan to seragoon garden-_- she sang MY VALENTINE throughout the journey tat spoilt my lub for this song. loll. den went up to her hse to install pp for her den later she wanted to go playground so accompany her-_- night go playground damn risky one lei. you might happen to see sth that you don wan to see. loll

off for my hanazaru rui!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

listening to : Ai Cuo by LeeHom

jus don understand whie my depression mood will be there whenever i listened to this song.


I SERIOUSLY HATE THE IDEA OF GROWING UP!! i jus wan to be back to the naive world when things seem to be so simple and nice. maybe this is the lifee that im looking forward. im so afraid of facing the world when i don noe who is true to me. seeing friends backstabbing each other is the worst night-mare for me. betraying each other for the sake of themselves. its so scary. i cant image if one dae this going to happen on me. am i able to handle it well? that whie no matter what, i willing to give up everything by the age of 30 if i haven die to live in a world of my own alone. it sound pathetic but it isnt. it seem so impossible to bury those memories that whie its so hard to give any promise to anyone. moving on alone seem to be the onli solution for me.

do uUu know it? have uUu sense it?
its fading away. . .

Thursday, September 14, 2006

listening to : Zao Mi by Pan Wei Bo

had been out almost everydae but not todae!! the pain from my back is realli going to kill away all my strength. so sad that i missed yst singapore idol due to tat fcuking ivan's fault. kept on dragging time caused me to miss it. mygod-_- hope i don miss tonight de result show. even though i noe the percentage of jasmine getting out will be 99% but i still wishing for miracle to happen.

i dont think i ever make a wrong step by taking her. she was always there for me no matter what. even during her prelim period, she was there. so ppls out there, thx for the concern or even care for us. i don think it will be nice to judge her or even insult her from what you guys think. im enough of hearing bad comments about her. so for once, i not going to listen to anyone and believe in my choice and pls take all your hand off this matter. this will be the first and the last time im saying about this and it will be I WONT BE NICE TO PPLS WHO BE MEAN TO HER!!

off to voting=)

Monday, September 11, 2006

listening to : My Valentine

YAWN. msn was down, onli ppls with msn5 can sign in. so fcuking sian lah. so decided to start my blogging to kill times.

- went down to suntec but den decided to fire the boss as realli no mood to work lah. den went to meet the rest at ms. went shopping since the mall seem to be so empty. got quite a number of stuff. den later we were so bored that we decided to go bowling. seriously, my skill was like so noob lah. den later went habourfront den went back to sk to eat my chicken rice. den later planned to go home sleep since my eyes can hardly open but cher called so went down kovan to the hkc to eat with her. seriously i wont listening to her, i was jus lying there and sleep. pass her the nike bag and the choc tat i got for her and send her back before heading home to nap. and nap all the way to now and im so fcuking bored with no one around in msn. PPLS DL SKYPE LAH!!

- alan bdae!! went down to hm de cafe cartel to have dinner with them. den later we all went down to punggol end. planning to talk about ghost stories but ended up playing cross hand. image with ten pairs of hand. haha kana 3times one punishment. seriously speaking, i sux in game lah. im the first few who kana the punishment. tia had to sing and dance while alan had to go ask ppls wish him and also sexy dance. while ming had to cat walk, ivan had to sexy pose while lc had to shout WO SHI DA MEI NU(in hokkien). haha damn hilarious. luckilyi kana one was TRUE. its jus normal qsn like who i like before in my class. and i think everyone noe abt it before i nid to answer. haha den later all wl, lc and me kept on gang up and we didnt kana much after that. den went back at 11plus and den ....

will upload the bbq pic and the bdae pic when i got the mood..

Sunday, September 10, 2006

listening to : uUu Are Not Alone

todae went over to ivan's hse with ming, wee, tia, alan, kokhao, weilun, dickson and shawn. watched alot of dvd. and then not forgetting tat i screamed like hell and i think you guys can predicted what show we are watching. den later tat ivan pu the dog out, ming and me scared till we kept on screaming non-stop. and that di siao siao ivan went to take the dog and chased after me. haha and of course i scream at the top of my voice. haha den later continued with the dvd and some went online-ing. den alan and me started to di siao siao ming by saying loud her msn conversation. damn hilarious lah. while waiting for ivan to burn finish the disc, tat toopid weilun let the dog out and the guys are being so fcuking mean lah. haha dey threw the toy at me and the dog jus cant stop chasing and jumping at me. mygod-_- the worst part wll be tat they surrounded me and don let me run away. how mean can those guys be. hahahaha den later went to have lunch and the rest went off while alan, wee and me went back to ivan's hse and started our holidae plan. actualli planning to go BALI for holidae but lots of dems cannot go due to the bombing issue so we decided to make a trip down to hk. hopefully it will be a successful trip.

btw i will blog the photo and the happening of the bbq tml lah. lazy to type more. and not forgetting HAPPY BDAE ALAN!! better treat me eat kfc or else i don return all ur dvds. haha and the worst part of alan will be tat he will record down the name of the dvds you took and will chase after you to return. mygod-_- i think sooner or later, he going to nag me again!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

listening to : Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For uUu

it had been damn long since i last played this song. todae while walking with JO, she enlightened me alot. i realised that in the past, whatever i do, i do it for uUu. but what hurt most will be that uUu never seem to appreciate it. like what JO said, don make yourself pondered over someone who wont make you a priority. since i promise to take cher, i should stop thinking so much.

went for 6/6 gathering and was glad to see so mani of my old palz. talked about our pri6 lifee when we were the most bonded class among the 15classes. we won every competition like shimin de japanese dance, jo de catwalk, banner-making, inter-class competition, musician drama, teacher dae dance and our charity helping. everyone rmb all the minor detail of those memorable daes. and the daes when we actualli had our LAO DI FANG, our toopid catching, our maid game, our scolding by yeo and so much. mygod i seriously miss those innocent daes. den after that walked all the way to hougang mall there to acc JO to visit the doctor and we waited from queue 3 all the way to 17. i realli feel like crying but we crapped throughout the times. den later rushed off to meet cher and off home for my spore idol. so happy tat jasmine was in.

tonight seem to be a bad night to me. so suay lah. hai im so hungry with nothing to eat. sian dao siao. i think before i land myself at the bbq, im already half-dead. pls pray hard to the god tat tml rain and pls don have any toopid games tat nid any strength of mine.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

listening to : Ba Wo Jiao Gei Ni

mygod. its almost 6 and i still haven get my ass off to the bed!!

cant believe i actualli chatted with shawn from 3plus to now!! haha

let talk abt my daes!!
lifee had been so hectic and todae ahma came all the way down to my hse to visit my bro as he admitting into army soon. so nice of seeing her but sad to say that i had to leave home to ikea and i missed a chance of having lunch with her. haii. den lazy to elaborate abt the ikea trip den later in time for spore idol. jasmine tye melted my heart lah!! she sang so well and i think i make a right choice from supporting her from the beginning. den later on continue with my teevee all the way then i think tonight, guys getting super bored. for eg. tat toopid ivan asked to watch a video which he commented that the guy is super charming and it ended up with him playing the violin. WTH a spoilt of my mood. den i don noe whie kh noe abt my conversation with ivan. like everything we said, he also noe. tat funni and alot more crapping thing. stop my crapping. later still nid to go down for my pri sch gathering den nite still nid to accompany cher to mug den next dae stll got bbq.

mygod. i think i wont be getting any slp from wed to fri. haiz.. off to my drawing!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

listening to : Zhi Shao Hai You Ni

*yawn* its 247am in the morning. still got 45more mins more to 330 before waking tat toopid moron cher up. mygod she and her toopid insane study plan going to spoilt my sleeping. haha but since her prelim is next week, i should be nice to wake her up. let see what i have to kill my time.

happened to read this mail which tell us abt our personality and im WALNUT TREE!! loll

Walnut Tree (Passion) -- unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.

mygod!! this is so not real!! when you see what is abt cher, you will strongly agree with me!!

Apple Tree (Love) -- quiet and shy at times, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant attitude, flirtatious smile, adventurous, sensitive, loyal in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, many talents, loves children, needs affectionate partner.

mygod!! i think i should continue with my "DRAWING" loll

Saturday, September 02, 2006

watching : spore idol

currently at hm's hse and the four morons were busying mahjong-ing so with no choice, i had to blog to kill times.

hai so mani things happened.

hey clor! realli sorrie that i didnt turn up for the funeral but i realli hope thing went fine for you.

an email from her yst seem to simple but straightforward that bring another meaning out of it. thx to the encouragement i had, i finally step out and a new chapter of life for me started todae.

i think i should end here and off i go . .