Sunday, August 12, 2007

Monday, October 02, 2006

listening to : Liao Jie by Sun Yan Zi

hit by a surge of emotions tonight yet, i can't put down into words how i feel. my mind's all tied up in a lovely knot while my heart's pounding with ache and these feelings are screaming to be let out. i shall try to translate those thoughts/feelings into words.

i closed my eye while the music surrounded me. all the vivd image of us flashed across my mind within a few secs. i saw the image of us when we first met. hahaha tat hilarious. the dae and nite we spent together, the places we went before, the things we did together. maybe to uUu, uUu already forgotten it but to me, its an everlasting memories. looking back, things changed as we grew up. we both changed and we took different path. i hate to admit but the gap between us getting further apart. the conversation we had getting lesser and lesser.

siince the dae uUu entered my life, it actualli started to change. when you re-enter my life at the end of sec3, its even worst. even though from the start we are from different school or should i put it as we can onli get to meet up once in awhile but i don noe whie i landed myself into it. at first, i didnt noe what uUu mean to me till the last stage of my life in sec sch when someone told me tat uUu had already capture my heart and soul. i cant believe that its happening tat landed myself into a state of depression. i still rmb once while i was sms-ing with you while town-ing, i banged onto the wall and they used to comment tat whenever i started sms-ing, there will be a smile on it. till now its still happening. i did everything for you yet till now you still didnt pay any attention to it. and recently i discovered that the feeling is fading away. they told me that its time to LET GO AND MOVE ON as there's no pts of holding on when in the end, im going to suffer. i wish i have the gut to tell uUu but we are eighteen this yr and i cant even accept the fact so i dont think uUu will. i realli don wish to spoilt the friendship that we had. when someone once mean everything to you but now the feeling is fading away and uUu noe sooner or later that person will be gone. what i can do now will be casting everything behide me and continue being your friend.

i wont regret knowing uUu yet i wan to thank the god for letting me to know uUu. at least once in a lifetime, i got to have a good buddy. now you are and you will still be even when we grow old. sorrie for being so emo tonight but i hope that after this entry, everything i had for uUu ended here.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

listening to : I still Believe

this week had been so hectic to me that whie my blogging getting lesser and lesser. so here im to update a bit about this week. i cant realli rmb what actualli happened so i brieftly talk abt it lah. see how much i can rmb.

finally i met cher after weeks. we made a deal that we wont be meeting so often so she can concentrated on her promos and upcoming A. we lunched at Grapevine. Baked Rice + Oreo Frappe = Heaven. hahahaha we crapped and i told her a joke that we both laughed till everyone staring at us. drake told me that her dad was shitting in this public toilet. when he flushed after he was done, THE POO FLOODED OUT LIKE SOME TSUNAMI. Hence, HE RAN OUT WITHOUT HIS PANTS ON. . . lazy to type everything out. but damn hilarious lah. den walked over to coffee bean to get some drinks and went up to her hse awhile before heading home.

- ramdom -
* had been meeting the old palz
* tahcy oreo and pi bi gu incident all thx to the so call DI DA DI. its spreading so fast that almost lots of ppls know abt it and some even had it on their msn nick. mygod-_-"
* sp and rp started sch and i still had 3weeks left. my new sem timetable sux like hell that ruined my mood
* dyed back my hair to black all thanx to perr as the first thing she told me when she saw me was "YOUR HAIR LOOKED LIKE AH BENG". mygod that moment i almost wanted to run home and shave into bald.
* jc ppls de promos started and some haven even. but pls date me out within this 3weeks before im back to my project's life.

last but not least.
haha this farker here smsed me telling me that he leaving to taipei next week and so on. i was like sleeping and my fcuking phone rang non-stop tat after reading it, shocked till i cant slp. asked around and no one received it beside tia. mygod-_- how nice to play this kind of joke on me when i almost have a heart failure. hahahahaha

stop my crap. i had to wake up tml at 7. should end here and good luck to those having promos. .

Friday, September 22, 2006

listening to : Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo By David Tao & Jolin

i hate sep`2006 as this is the first time i felt so broke in this holidae. can you believe that im onli left with 20cents yst-_- and we had to share a meal among the four of us. how pathetic can we be. that the prob when we go out everydae and the transport fare see to be so ex. i jus felt so unsecure when i don have 50bucks in my wallet. and the main reason of my broke is all because of the sep`babies. hahaha

went down to sp with tia,lun and kokhao to see ivan perform at sp. can you believe that i onli had 11.20 while tia had 7.60 while lun had 4.20. hahahaha this concert is all about tanglin sec. ivan peformed violin as a special guest for the choir. den we went in to see and tanglin`band played SOCK HOP which happened to be nc`band fav. honesty speaking, their percussionist seem to be weak as you can see that they played straight beat for the drumset part which followed the score-_- but i shouldnt be mean as they were onli sec1 or sec2. with this standard, already counted not bad le. at least better than me as i onli started playing drumset when im sec3. haha den all the dance seem to be so hilarious lah. laughing all the way throughout the show. den was interval time den we went down to the tea-break section as GUEST. haha we went to take the food and was so paiseh lah. haha damn hilarious abt the happening but later to elaborate. den later went back as its ivan perform time. he played YOU RAISE ME UP. and seriously he sounded like SHIT as the mic didnt have echo and it don seem to be nice. haha they like to say my ZI YE BIN is there again. cant blame me lah. as a band member, im already addicted to comment on music. den went off after ivan performed to cp for dinner den off im here.

had been quite long since i saw cher. hope she doin well for her promo.

last but not least. happy bdae to sharon(my cousin)!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

listening to : Wo Hai Neng Ai Shui


like she said, i changed!!

more and more ppls noticed it. everydae i received tonnes of sms from different ppls and sometime i don even open it or even reply but whenever i received one from uUu, a smile will shown in my face. whenever uUu are not online or i don recieved any from uUu, i will be on depression mode! like whie? whie my life turned into this state?

i tried to walk out but i can never. its jus like a trap, trapping me forever. they used to tell me that time can cure anything but i used not onli mths but numeral years yet the image of uUu still stay in my mind. i don understand whie we are from different sch from the start yet im unable to let go and move on. like whie.

and the most hilarious thing will be a email from K telling me that "TO THE EDGE OF THE HEAVEN, THE ENDS OF THE SEA, MY VOWS FOR YOU ARE UNCHANGEABLE".
whie all those ppls i don give a damn are trying to piss me off!!

im totally speechless lah!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

listening to : The Longest Story

the SIMs holding is declaring wars against the LEEs holding. the LEEs are trying so hard to go against the SIMs. IVAN LEE YI WANG, the SIMs holding will overthrown the LEEs once i marry my hanazawa rui!! wuahahaha!!

that so random!!

the clock read 3AM yet im nowhere near tired. my mind aches from this confusion. Do i take a leap forward or back away? why are we so good at pretending. you and i both know that it isnt as simple as , we make it out to be. you are hard to figure out. your eyes tell me sth more but i could be dreadfully wrong. this is getting a little old. im jus afraid of losing you for good.. hey cher, i may not be good at words but listen to Hou Hui De Jie Kou and i hope you will understand it. continue mugging=)

and i have come to a term that good things don last. so just enjoy the moment everyone. i enjoyed mine and i knew it was too good to be true.

Monday, September 18, 2006

listening to : Xiang Yu Tai Zao

tonight, im suffering from insomnia so decided to blog!!

so sad lah!! my IS and IAC class changed from 8-12 to 1-5 and that mean no more afternoon nap on tue. wtf. the worst will be im different class with jas and all my clique in morning class. im the onli one in afternoon class. mygod-_- jas and me cannot carry out our mission. i should start isolating myself every tue again!!

we were so bored that we came out with a solution!! haha its time to settle down!! whoever who sing me MY VALENTINE!! i going to settle down with you. no matter you are a guy or a gurl, a gay or a les, a bastard or a bitch. anyone who is a human is welcome for it.

went to meet cher at kovan for dinner at hkc. den later walked her back from kovan to seragoon garden-_- she sang MY VALENTINE throughout the journey tat spoilt my lub for this song. loll. den went up to her hse to install pp for her den later she wanted to go playground so accompany her-_- night go playground damn risky one lei. you might happen to see sth that you don wan to see. loll

off for my hanazaru rui!!