Monday, October 02, 2006

listening to : Liao Jie by Sun Yan Zi

hit by a surge of emotions tonight yet, i can't put down into words how i feel. my mind's all tied up in a lovely knot while my heart's pounding with ache and these feelings are screaming to be let out. i shall try to translate those thoughts/feelings into words.

i closed my eye while the music surrounded me. all the vivd image of us flashed across my mind within a few secs. i saw the image of us when we first met. hahaha tat hilarious. the dae and nite we spent together, the places we went before, the things we did together. maybe to uUu, uUu already forgotten it but to me, its an everlasting memories. looking back, things changed as we grew up. we both changed and we took different path. i hate to admit but the gap between us getting further apart. the conversation we had getting lesser and lesser.

siince the dae uUu entered my life, it actualli started to change. when you re-enter my life at the end of sec3, its even worst. even though from the start we are from different school or should i put it as we can onli get to meet up once in awhile but i don noe whie i landed myself into it. at first, i didnt noe what uUu mean to me till the last stage of my life in sec sch when someone told me tat uUu had already capture my heart and soul. i cant believe that its happening tat landed myself into a state of depression. i still rmb once while i was sms-ing with you while town-ing, i banged onto the wall and they used to comment tat whenever i started sms-ing, there will be a smile on it. till now its still happening. i did everything for you yet till now you still didnt pay any attention to it. and recently i discovered that the feeling is fading away. they told me that its time to LET GO AND MOVE ON as there's no pts of holding on when in the end, im going to suffer. i wish i have the gut to tell uUu but we are eighteen this yr and i cant even accept the fact so i dont think uUu will. i realli don wish to spoilt the friendship that we had. when someone once mean everything to you but now the feeling is fading away and uUu noe sooner or later that person will be gone. what i can do now will be casting everything behide me and continue being your friend.

i wont regret knowing uUu yet i wan to thank the god for letting me to know uUu. at least once in a lifetime, i got to have a good buddy. now you are and you will still be even when we grow old. sorrie for being so emo tonight but i hope that after this entry, everything i had for uUu ended here.